This sun burst mirror by Sarah Dobbins looks great, is easy to make and costs next-to-nothing! Here, wooden skewers are used to frame the mirror, but you could experiment with other materials.

Here are the tools you'll need:

• Round mirror
• Around 60 wooden skewers
• Super glue or glue gun
• Stain or paint, and protective seal, if needed
• Hanging clips and wire
• Ruler
• Strong scissors or nippers

And here's how to make it:

1. Superglue the hanging clips to the back of the mirror and leave them to set for a good couple of hours. Use waterproof glue if you wish to hang this mirror outside.

2. While glue is setting, stain or paint your wooden skewers. Again — if you are hanging this in an area that is open to watery weather, you may want to coat your sticks in a protective varnish.

3. When skewers are dry, grab your ruler and scissors and begin making your cuts.

You will need:

  • 6 x 12" sticks
  • 12 x 10" sticks
  • 24 x 8" sticks
  • 36 x 6" sticks
  • 18 x 4" sticks

*Your 4" sticks can all come from the other end of your 8" cuts, and you'll only have to cut 18 sticks in half to get your 36 6" sticks

4. Make six notches around the edge of your mirror, equidistant from each other. This is where your 12" sticks will go.

5. Glue your 12" sticks down with the ends approximately 1.5 inches from the edge of the mirror, make sure the cut ends are behind the mirror, so that the neat ends are visible.

6. Begin gluing the rest of the sticks down, following the pattern (below). Try to keep the sticks close together.

Tip: glue in six sections, going from your 12" main sticks outward; this will help to keep everything symmetrical.

7. When everything is dry, secure your hanging wire around your hanging clips, then the mirror is ready to hang!

You can read the full blog post here: